Effective Learning For The Modern Student

Effective Learning For The Modern Student

With all of the distractions that are available today, it can be hard to focus on studying and learning. But being an active learner will help you achieve academic success. To be an active learner, you should engage with your instructors and fellow students, take notes in a way that works for you, and use study groups.

Be an active learner.

Active learning is a process of learning that involves the learner in the learning process, rather than a passive process where the learner is simply a receiver of information. Active learning can help you retain information better than passive learning, learn more efficiently, and understand concepts better.

To be an active learner:

Use study groups.

Study groups can be an excellent way to gain an edge in your studies. The benefits of study groups include:

  • Increased motivation and accountability
  • Shared knowledge, resources, and insight

However, in order for a …

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Certification Programs for Project Management Professionals

Certification Programs for Project Management Professionals

If you are looking to advance your career in project management, then consider pursuing a certification. There are many different types of certifications available, each with their own focus and objectives. The following list contains some of the most common certification programs for project managers:

PMP Certification

PMP certification is the most recognized project management certification in the world, with more than 500,000 professionals holding this designation. PMP certification provides a globally recognized professional credential that demonstrates your ability to apply proven project management knowledge, skills and experience to any type of project; whether small or large.

PMP exam candidates must earn at least 50 PDUs (Professional Development Units) every three years in order to maintain their credential. The number of PDUs required depends on how recently you last earned your PMP credential:

50 PDUs if your last renewal was less than 2 years ago;

70 PDUs if it was …

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Caring Community Schools and Academic Achievement

Caring Community Schools and Academic Achievement

In the United States, we tend to think of learning outcomes for students as a combination of what happens in the classroom and at home. Although this is certainly true, there are other important factors that contribute to how well our children learn and grow in school. The quality of the communities they live in can have a major impact on academic achievement; this includes things like poverty rates and access to health care services. In fact, studies show that children who live in low-income communities with high crime rates tend to perform worse academically than their peers who live in wealthier neighborhoods with lower crime rates.

The Best of Both Worlds

Community-centered schools can help improve academic achievement.

Schools should focus on the whole child, not just their academic needs. A school that focuses on the whole child will be able to create an environment where children feel safe …

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Teachers Developing Personalized Learning Platforms

Teachers Developing Personalized Learning Platforms

The future of education is personalized. The traditional model of one teacher teaching one class in one classroom at a time is being replaced by personalized learning platforms that allow students to learn at their own pace and from each other. Teachers are using technology in classrooms as tools to tap into that power, which can help them engage with students who may otherwise fall through the cracks.

The future of education is personalized.

The future of education is personalized. Students can learn at their own pace, and teachers can use technology to track student progress, helping them prepare for standardized tests.

With this in mind, it’s easy to see why many teachers are developing their own personalized learning platforms–and why they’ve been doing so for years now!

Teachers are using technology in classrooms as tools to tap into the power of personalized learning.

Teachers are using technology in classrooms …

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5 Strategies for Flipped Classroom Instruction

5 Strategies for Flipped Classroom Instruction

Flipped classrooms have become a popular trend in education, and they may be the way of the future. Flipping your classroom can be a powerful tool for improving student engagement, increasing student-teacher interaction, and helping students learn at their own pace. In this guide to flipped classroom instruction, we’ll take you through some strategies for implementing a flipped classroom in your school or university setting.

Create video lectures that cover the content of a lecture and then assign it as homework.

The first step is to create video lectures that cover the content of a lecture and then assign it as homework. The videos should be short and to the point, designed with an eye toward making them easy for students to find and consume. They should also be easily accessible from your course website or other online learning platform so that students can access them outside of class time …

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