Understanding Video Blogging: Why Do People Do It?
A lot of people know what blogging is because it is something that people have been doing for decades. However, not everyone knows what video blogging, or ‘vlogging’, entails. It is similar to traditional blogging, but it is done via video that is often filmed from a high-quality camera. Some people even use action cameras when filming video footage for their video blogs. Those that do these types of blogs will usually upload them to YouTube, allowing the public to see what they are doing, where they are going, and what they are talking about. In fact, when videos are uploaded to YouTube, people can comment on them, like them, dislike them and even share them with people they know.

What Are the Benefits of Video Blogging?
If you are posting your video blogs to different sites, including YouTube and Vimeo, people can easily share them. When people are sharing …
Understanding Video Blogging: Why Do People Do It? Read More