Effective Learning For The Modern Student

Effective Learning For The Modern Student

With all of the distractions that are available today, it can be hard to focus on studying and learning. But being an active learner will help you achieve academic success. To be an active learner, you should engage with your instructors and fellow students, take notes in a way that works for you, and use study groups.

Be an active learner.

Active learning is a process of learning that involves the learner in the learning process, rather than a passive process where the learner is simply a receiver of information. Active learning can help you retain information better than passive learning, learn more efficiently, and understand concepts better.

To be an active learner:

Use study groups.

Study groups can be an excellent way to gain an edge in your studies. The benefits of study groups include:

  • Increased motivation and accountability
  • Shared knowledge, resources, and insight

However, in order for a study group to be effective, there are some things that need to be done well. Here are some tips for forming and leading effective study groups:

  • Choose people who have similar goals as yours (e.g., passing exams) but different strengths (e.g., one person is good at math while another person is good at English). You’ll also want them to have different perspectives on the subject matter-if everyone thinks exactly alike about everything all the time then nothing will ever get accomplished!
  • Make sure everyone understands what their role is going into it: are they responsible only for themselves or do
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