5 Uses Of Copier For Your School And Educational Needs

Photocopiers are very useful in a school and educational purposes. Using a multi-purpose copier, you can already print, scan, or photocopy any documents whether it’s a black and white document or a colored one. You’ll find out the uses of a copier in school below.
1. Photocopy black and white handouts
You can photocopy any documents into black and white. A perfect example of black and white handouts is a test paper. You can even photocopy a material that has colored image into a black and white document.
2. Photocopy colored handouts
The process in photocopying a colored document is just the same as photocopying a black and white paper. The only difference is that you can photocopy a colored material and have an outcome that is the same with what you have photocopied. The best example would be a grade school activity handouts. The reason is that elementary would …
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