3 Lies Told by A person Special Education Personnel About Autism and How It is possible to Fight Back!
Are you concerned that your young child might have autism although have you been told by special education personnel that he or she does not? Would you prefer to know 3 of your lies told by a lot of special education personnel about this disorder? Would you also prefer to understand advocacy approaches to overcome these lies? This article will address 3 of the most common lies told to parents about autism!
Lie 1: Your youngster doesn’t have autism, they are emotionally disturbed! This can be the most prevalent lie that I see as an educational advocate. Most youngsters with autism do have emotional and behavioral difficulty, but this can be triggered by the disorder. To genuinely be emotionally disturbed, the kid can not have any other disability causing the behavioral difficulty; which not surprisingly is not accurate in this case.
The reason that that is crucial is simply that …
3 Lies Told by A person Special Education Personnel About Autism and How It is possible to Fight Back! Read More