Arizona Department of Education

Arizona Department of Education

Table of Contents

The Arizona Department of Education is a state-level department responsible for overseeing public education, kindergarten through secondary school. It is run by the elected Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction. The department’s mission is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality education. It also promotes the improvement of education systems throughout the state.


The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) is responsible for ensuring that all students receive a free appropriate public education. This includes complying with IDEA regulations and state statutes. Each public education agency must establish its eligibility for funding with the Arizona Department of Education. A public education agency may request funding for materials in one or more formats.

The ACT is Arizona’s statewide high school achievement test. This test is administered in two test windows each spring. Schools and districts are encouraged to administer the ACT during the first test window, while charters are encouraged to administer the test during the second test window. If a school is unable to administer the ACT during the first test window, it will not receive an additional ACT test window. The test window selection will be made on the next platform, PearsonAccess, in Fall 2022.

If the complainant disagrees with the SEA’s decision, he or she may appeal to the U.S. Department of Education. ADE staff will investigate the complaint, and if the complaint is justified, will issue a letter of finding. The letter of finding should be issued within 120 days. It will detail what occurred and how the complaint was resolved. If ADE officials find that the complaint is valid, the ADE will notify the U.S. Secretary of Education.

The ADE oversees Arizona public education. It is headed by the elected Superintendent of Public Instruction. The ADE distributes federal and state funds to local education agencies. It also collects data on student attendance to determine the appropriate amount of state funding for each school. It also provides evaluation services and school improvement assistance.

ACT Aspire

If your child is taking standardized tests, he or she may be taking the Arizona Department of Education ACT Aspire. This is a test that gives detailed information about test sections and time estimates. The test is administered twice a year, to measure a student’s progress toward Arizona State Standards and ACT College Readiness Standards. The ACT Arizona website has a wealth of information, including tutorials, webinar links, and manuals.

The ACT Aspire is a statewide assessment of student learning in English, math, science, and writing. Students in grades 3 through 8 will also take the Arizona Academic Standards Assessment (AASA) which covers subjects from math and science to English language proficiency. The ACT Aspire is also used as a standardized assessment for high school students in Arizona.

The ACT is a college readiness assessment that measures student performance in all five subject areas: English, mathematics, reading, science, and the optional writing test. The scores of students on the ACT Aspire show their growth in knowledge and skills over time and provide a foundation for future educational planning. The Arizona Department of Education requires students to take the ACT Aspire during their freshman year. The ACT is an important part of the college admissions process, as it measures a student’s readiness for college and career success.

The ACT Aspire is a statewide test of high school achievement. Students in Arizona will take the ACT during the Spring 2023 test window. Arizona’s schools will not have a second test window to administer the ACT, unless they elect to. However, districts and charters will need to choose a test window.